We'd love to connect
with you.

Want to talk? Have questions? Want to become part of our team? Something on your mind?

Please contact us at either our Nonprofit Office or Operations Office.

  • City Hall Office: For inquiries about partnerships or donations; media; joining one of our boards; meeting with the Development Team; or to speak with our CEO
  • Operations Office: For inquiries about an LA’s BEST student, school or staff member; for staff job inquiries; for questions about enrollment; for questions about volunteering; or to speak with our COO

Not sure which office is right for your question? Call (213) 978-0801 and speak to our operator.

LA’s BEST Nonprofit Office

200 N Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Laura Beebe
Vice President of Public Partnerships & Policy

Jessica Rojas
Marketing & Communications Manager

LA’s BEST Operations Office

Los Angeles Unified School District
711 East 14th Place
Los Angeles, CA 90021

Ph. (213) 745-1900   Fx. (800) 267-0342


DeeAnn Rivera
Chief Operations Officer


Maria Cuevas
Senior Director